Keep your data secure through a single-tenancy cloud solution for digital analytics
When deciding how best to use your data from your customers’ digital journeys, it might seem like choosing any analytical database will do. But when it comes to storage and security, not every platform has been built the same. Cost will always play a huge factor in the platform you choose, but it should come second to security, as risk management in the digital age has become increasingly difficult. But how can a platform that purports to be secure really offer peace of mind when it’s using a multi-tenancy cloud?
The multi-tenancy guarantee
The reality is that a multi-tenancy cloud simply cannot be as secure as a single-tenancy solution, no matter what they say. Think about all of the data that will be uploaded into the cloud from your consumer database for analysis. It will be comprised of names, spending trends, credit card numbers, and home addresses. This is not the kind of information you or your customer wants to risk accidentally being leaked in the case of a data breach or error on a multi-tenant cloud.
Systems need to be updated regularly which means that this is the prime time for some information to accidentally be uploaded to a segment of the cloud it should not be. In addition, with all of this information occupying what can be thought of as a segment of a pie, eventually a sliver of it may need to be cut out and removed. Will this be easier if the pie potentially shares a side with a different kind of pie? Cutting that piece out can be messy and mean that some gets crumbled on to the other slice of pie. This could be your important data that is getting sifted into another user’s portion of the cloud.
The single-tenancy alternative
Google uses a multi-tenancy platform, which is why it is an affordable option for those who need a big portion of the cloud. However, this solution does not make your information particularly secure, which has been seen time and time again as there are hacks or leaks. A single-tenant cloud system provides a level of security which is the safer solution for digital analytics involving sensitive customer data. A single-tenant cloud means you and you alone will have access to the data of your system, and you and you alone will be making demands on the cloud’s resources. You can even choose to adopt an on-premise storage solution for added security if you do not want to have an off-site server service maintaining your cloud. This means that all incoming information can easily be encrypted, have sensitive information masked from employees who are not cleared, and then also purged if it needs to be, all without ever leaving your own business environment. Essentially the difference between a single-tenant platform and a multi-tenancy one is that your data is more secure if it is inhabiting a cloud without any other tenants.
Customer journey analytics and the cloud
There may also come a time when you will want to access specific customer journeys for customer data visualization. When this time comes can you imagine performing a data analysis only to find a piece of data that is completely unlike the others and not even from your own customer database? The realization would quickly dawn that your cloud portion has been breached by another’s and possibly vice versa. You will then have the unwelcome task of having to pinpoint which data in your multi-tenant cloud should be there and what has come from somewhere else. A potential data breach is a huge risk and it means that risk mitigation will now have to be employed to monitor all collected data to ensure that it is not being impaired by other tenants on the cloud. The solution is an easy one. A single tenant cloud would eliminate any potential breaches.
So avoid any potential cybersecurity issues due to multi-tenancy clouds and go with a single- tenant cloud or on-premises service which will ensure the highest level of encryption and security.