Demystify user behavior for more customer-centric products

Maximize growth with product analytics capabilities that show how users engage with your digital product over time and across channels.

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Find out what’s happening—and why

Standalone product analytics tools inform you how your customers engage with your product. But they can't provide the context that tells you why they are behaving that way. With Glassbox’s digital experience intelligence platform, you get a complete picture of what users are doing and the critical insights to help you understand why. This powerful combination allows you to make decisions faster and more confidently.

  • View Augmented Journey Maps™ and session replays to understand user behavior.
  • See how technical and performance issues impact user outcomes.
  • Prioritize features and allocate resources based on revenue impact.

Understand every user behavior

Glassbox captures 100% of front- and back-end events automatically, across web and mobile apps, for the most complete picture of your users’ digital experience. All of this data is available in user-friendly visualization in real time, making it fast and easy to identify opportunities for creating even better product experiences.

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Shorten your delivery cycle

With instant access to more behavioral data and AI-powered insights that reveal the reason behind those behaviors, you’ll have the crucial context needed to make faster, data-driven decisions. Glassbox’s built-in collaboration features make it easy to share data and examples with design, development or marketing teams so you can accelerate time to action. 

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Deliver better products more efficiently

Don’t waste design or development time creating and maintaining features that don’t engage your users or generate the business outcomes you need. Glassbox quantifies which features and journeys your customers use and which create the greatest business benefit, so you can easily prioritize the projects that matter most to you and them.

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Take a self-guided tour

Take our self-guided tour and experience how Glassbox delivers access to 100% of digital session data for quick analysis of user behavior, performance, and retrospective insights.

Self guided tour

The power of integrated product analytics

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Tagless data capture

By automatically capturing 100% digital events, Glassbox ensures there are zero gaps in your customer knowledge. Plus, our patented tagless data capture means faster time to value, lower management overhead and the ability to do retroactive analysis.

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Advanced cohort analysis

See an aggregate of all users or segment customers based on variables ranging from geography to VoC sentiment. Glassbox reveals behavior patterns of any customer segment, including your highest-value customers or those who abandon.

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Performance analytics

Site or app performance affects how your users engage, how long they stay and why they drop. Glassbox surfaces technical insights in context of user behavior so you can instantly correlate and act upon errors or performance issues that affect product experience.

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User timeline

See lifetime user behavior across web and mobile apps.
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Anomaly detection

Get AI-driven alerts to unusual patterns in behavior or performance.
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Revenue metrics

See revenue impact of different journeys and behaviors.
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Advanced filtering

Analyze data for any cohort over any timeframe.
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Custom dashboards

Tailor your view to your priorities.

Look no further

See how Glassbox’s integrated digital experience intelligence surpasses standalone product analytics tools.