Welcome to the FinTech Apocalypse

Fickle customers, fleeting deposits and legions of digital-first disruptors—the FinTech Apocalypse takes no prisoners. Your retail banking team can't afford to wait for a multi-year organizational transformation to take on your scrappy competitors. You need to attract, engage and retain more customers now.

This massive virtual survival guide combines proven frameworks to steal from startups with realistic implementation tactics for a big bank environment, so you can deeply understand and effectively delight customers—in spite of all the silos, bureaucracy and legacy systems standing in your way.

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Customer experience in banking

What you'll learn:

  • How FinTech is trying to defeat you (& what you can do about it)

  • Why top-level big bank survival efforts will fail without you

  • 5 things your team needs to be actually agile

  • How to gain deeper insight into your customers' motives—and why they're interacting with your product or app in the first place

  • How to improve your team's processes (without pissing off stakeholders)

What's inside

A virtual survival guide stuffed with actionable insights, tactics and strategies your team can steal to compete with FinTech disruptors 

New world, new rules

What it takes for product, marketing and CX teams at retail banks to survive the FinTech Apocalypse, where customers have more choices and higher expectations than ever

Your competitors' weapons of choice

Two powerful frameworks to steal from startups—Agile and Jobs-to-Be-Done (JTBD)—and what these actually look like in practice at financial institutions (including detailed real-world examples)

Realistic action plans for retail banking teams

You don't need another lecture on being "more agile". You need a realistic system to implement agile, customer-centric practices on a retail banking team.

Survival tactics you can steal

Step-by-step instructions, tips and tricks to help your team become more customer-centric and innovative (even if you're not allowed to wear a hoodie at work).

Team-level tactics & strategies to help you hold onto customers

Learn how real teams at retail banks, FinTech startups and tech behemoths dramatically improved their process to provide more value to customers, including:

This guide is for you if...

  • You're sick of feeling like Wile E. Coyote—and can't afford to wait on a company-wide "agile transformation" to catch up with the Roadrunner

  • You want to make your team's processes more efficient and customer-centric in the short-term so you can hit your goals—preferably without declaring war on complex legacy systems or centuries of traditional banking culture

  • Your team has gallons of data to improve products, services and customer experiences—but needs a better formula for filling in the gaps

Unlock the virtual survival guide now

This is not a static PDF destined to collect dust in your downloads folder. In fact, you don't have to download anything at all. Just drop your email address to gain immediate access to the massive virtual survival guide continually updated with frameworks, action items, tips and tricks, real-life examples, step-by-step instructions, expert advice, new research and a whole lot more.

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